
5 декабря
5-7 декабря - День Открытых Дверей "Антикризисные предложения по высшему образованию за рубежом"
13 ноября
Консультации с представителем британского колледжа NMSC, который готовит юных гениев по математике и естественным наукам в топовые университеты мира.
9 ноября
Выставка "Образование без границ"! Консультации, презентации с представителями учебных заведений из 15 стран мира.
23 марта
Неделя Открытых Дверей - бесплатное высшее образование за рубежом; программы подготовки; летние курсы за рубежом для школьников и студентов.

Information for foreign partners

Ekaterinburg Center «Education Abroad» is an educational consulting company whose specialty is educational programmes of all kinds — from short vacation courses for schoolchildren to Masters Degree programmes for University graduates.  Our students come not only from the Urals, but from other regions of Russia and Kazakhsan as well.

We are the members of WYSE Travel Confederation, ALTO and Urals Tourism Association.

Our managers have extensive experience and profound knowledge of our partner institutions and their programmes. We have personally visited most of our partner organizations and are able to describe their pros and cons from our own perspective, without bias.

Over the 19 years of existence our Center has sent more than 10000 students for educational programmes abroad.  We pride ourselves on working successfully with such destinations as United Kingdom, USA, Canada , Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, China and others.

To our partners we offer different kinds of promotional activities, including placing their information on our web-site, mass media and TV advertizing, organization of personal presentations and seminars, school visits, etc. Moreover, each year starting from 2005, we hold our own International Education Fair, devoted entirely to our partners. During the fair they are able to meet their future students and their parents, discuss the needs of students and promote their schools to a large number of primary audience.

We are loyal to our long-standing partner organizations, but are open for cooperation with accredited educational institutions from various countries who offer wide range of high quality education programmes.

If you have any queries about our company or if you would like to discuss the cooperation opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address/phone below. We shall be happy to supply you with additional information.

Our contact details:

World Trade Center Ekaterinburg

44 Kuibysheva Str, office 806, Ekaterinburg 620026 Russia,

tel.: +7(343)3-808-444

fax: +7(343)3-808-456


Sincerely yours,

Dr Irina V. Kotcherguina

Director of Ekaterinburg Centre Education Abroad